Tale Well Told : Two Days for Two Talents
Course Overview
Creative Writing
Whether your words are intended for stage or page, big screen or phone screen... , with the exception of poetry, almost all Creative Writing is some kind of narrative — the telling of a story — so that writing well requires two distinct abilities: literary talent (a way with words) and story talent (a gift for story design).
In this two-day Foundation workshop, held on Saturday 15th and 22nd March, you will gain both knowledge and practical experience, along with an understanding of the principles that underpin all good writing.
There are no strict rules for creative work, and much of the writing process can feel mysterious and full of contradictions, but there are many established wisdoms and tricks-of-the-trade that can help stop the block, enhance your creative capacity, and carry you forwards with renewed enthusiasm and knowhow.
Learn 3 guiding principles, 6 key competencies, 9 good habits, and discuss where ideas come from, the power of selection, how best to get your writing to grow, what makes great prose... while also experimenting with in-class exercises and 'homework' assignments to boost your confidence and get you writing.
Whether you're a 'planner' or an 'organic 1st draft' kind of writer, this workshop aims to move you from a Blank Page to Regular Writing, and from 1st Concept to Synopsis or from faulty 1st Draft to Re-write Task. Character, Voice, Structure, Theme... have your questions answered and, in the context of your own project, come to grips with the key relationships between form and content, intention and word selection, drama and conflict, character arc and shaping an ending.
Beginner or seasoned scribbler, fiction or non-fiction, whatever your writing ambition and state-of-play with your project, this workshop should reveal the task ahead and get you started.
Please bring writing materials with you and perhaps something to eat and drink. A variety of hand-outs along with opportunities for in-class readings and feedback are included. Meeting a group of fellow writers is friendly and fun... and you'll get your work done!
"But at a certain point in the process of writing, you have to think. You have to do the sort of thinking that hurts...You learn to listen to your intuitions, but then you have to learn to build on them. To use your intelligence, consciously, as well." Helen Garner
Four principles underpin Janet's approach to teaching writing:
1. Janet likes to "give the imagination a task" with regular exercises in class (plus homework assignments) to inspire free and easy writing and build momentum.
2. Janet stresses the role of Focus & Flow, and aims to help writers find and know their focus — get at the heart of what they're really on about ! She also believes it's necessary for a writer to drop down into a state of 'flow' ('absorbedness') in order to find what is deeply known. This is often easier than we think.
3. Janet considers words (language itself) a ready source of inspiration for writing, and hopes to inspire others to a genuine enthusiasm for and confidence in using our English language. She often uses quotes to support points of theory and practice as she thinks people learn good writing in part by hearing and reading others who have expressed things well and accurately.
4. Janet aims to create a 'safe' environment in which to work on and share writing with others. Participants are encouraged to read from their exercises in class but are NEVER obliged to do so. Constructive feedback and learning is always the intention behind sharing work.
Saturday 15th and 22nd March
- Paper
- Pen
- Laptop (if you preferred)
“ I hung on every word Janet said, she got me writing for starters and she's given us the tools to keep going. She has a penetrating intellect and a generous nature. The wealth of information she provided was like getting a mini master’s degree on the subject.”
"The tutor was very energetic, happy, funny, easy to listen to, helpful and covered EVERYTHING."
“ I found the course very informative and worthwhile. The tutor was well read, very well prepared, shared a lot of knowledge, insights, gave confidence and enthusiasm. Very helpful. “
"I'm very eager to learn more - your first course literally transformed my life!"
“ Excellent, clear, sticks to the point. Doesn’t get into back-slapping, doesn’t let people waffle. Very structured and detailed.“
“ A lot of material covered - loved her energy and perspective.”
“ Lots of information, lots of suggested exercises, lots of prepared sheets - very good for revision. The tutor was very committed and enthusiastic and encouraged me to get writing.”
“ Janet is a ‘live wire’ and kept everyone interested all the time.”
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About the tutor
Janet Fennell
Janet is published as a short-story writer (general fiction, SF&F, 'romance'), novelist, reviewer, essayist and poet and ran her first creative writing course for the NSCC in 1998. After the sudden and early death of her husband, the eerily prescient nature of her first novel Only Myself (about a young widow) caused her to destroy work and she stepped away from all creative writing for some 15 years. But she continued to coach others to words and, eventually, her teaching persuaded her back to the page so that now she feels more dedicated than ever to the regenerative power of creative endeavour, and to completing her writing projects, and to helping others find their voice and reach their writing goals. She is currently at work on a novel and a 'memoir-meditation-manual' on writing and life.
Janet studied English (BA), Librarianship (DipLib) and Writing (MA) at university, as well as performance writing at AFTRS & NIDA, and spent many years working in librarianship and corporate communications prior to and alongside her creative work. In 2023 she spent six weeks as Writer-in-Residence as St Mark's College in Adelaide (a residential university college) and most recently (Mar-May '24) she undertook residencies in Italy and France and was a participant at the Sirenland Writers Conference in Positano.
Tutor's Personal Page