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Course Overview

Looking for a fun and low-impact way to improve your overall health and wellness?

Tai Chi and Qi gong are ancient Chinese exercises that offer a wealth of benefits for the mind and body, including improved circulation, metabolism, balance, flexibility, posture, mental focus, immune function, daily energy levels, organ function, emotional balance, self-awareness, and brain health.

At our Tai Chi and Qi Gong course, you'll learn the fundamentals of these practices from Angela Tian, our highly experienced instructor. Each class will involve slow, circular movements, mental concentration, breath control, relaxation, and meditation, all designed to help you build your internal energy and improve your overall health.

Over the course of eight weeks, you'll learn theories of Tai Chi and Qi Gong, warm-up movements, and a series of new Tai Chi movements that you can practice on your own. You'll also have plenty of opportunities to ask questions and receive guidance from Angela.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, Tai Chi and Qi Gong are exercises for all ages and fitness levels.

Term Dates

Term 2 runs from Monday 15 April to Monday 3 June

Term 3 runs from Monday 22 July to Monday 9 September

Term 4 runs from Monday 14 October to 2 December 


By the end of the course, you'll have learned all forms of Tai Chi Ba Shi, a sophisticated form of exercise that works on internal energy and manifests externally.


"I love the Tai Chi sessions with Angela – she is so full of life and down to earth. It’s exciting to find my health and well-being have improved, and fun to be with others in the class. Angela is a brilliant and intuitive teacher, she always has something new to keep you interested and on your toes.”

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Angela Tian Zhu

About the tutor

Angela Tian Zhu

Angela Zhu, a third-generation Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner, hails from Beijing. With over four decades of experience, she has practiced TCM in various countries, including China, Bosnia, Croatia, Sweden, and Australia since 1992.Angela's practice is currently based at Traditional Qi Cremorne, where she offers services such as Acupuncture, Tai Chi, and Qi Gong classes dedicated to improving mental health and overall well-being.Throughout her career, Angela has also been an educator, having taught at esteemed institutions like Sydney TCM College, the University of NSW, NIDA, Confucius College, Campbelltown Hospital Mental Health Unit, and various community centers. Her teaching repertoire includes Medical Qi Gong and Tai Chi (Taiji), with a focus on conducting workshops tailored to Mental Health and Senior Health Programs.

Tutor's Personal Page

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(02) 9922 2299
Monday to Friday - 10:00am to 6:00pm
220 Miller St, North Sydney - Back of Ted Mack Civic Park